
Membership to this Association is open to bona fide New Zealand based amateur Rock ‘n’ Roll Clubs only.

For more information go to the Constitution and Rule Books or contact the Association Secretary

To apply for affiliation, a club needs to contact the Association Secretary requesting a form which will ask for the following information:

• Club name

• A brief history of the club

• Club colours (samples if possible)

• Correspondence address, email and website

• President's name and contact details

• Secretary's name and contact details

• The Club balance date

• A copy of the club's constitution or an assurance that the objectives of the association will be strived towards

A fee of $25 is charged upon application. Once accepted a fee of $300 needs to be paid before a club becomes fully affiliated.


Once an application has been accepted, the club will have to maintain certain responsibilities.

It must notify the Association when one or more of the following changes:

• Club name

• Correspondence address and email

• President's name or contact details

• Secretary's name or contact details

• Balance date

• Club colours can only be altered after consultation with the Executive Committee and permission has been granted.

Exepctations as an Affiliated Club

The club must pay the following annual fees: see below.

Affiliation fee of $300 is due by 1 August.

Membership Levy due one month prior to each club's balance date.

$5 per adult member (18 years or over) and $3 per Junior Member

Please note, as well as the fees for retaining affiliation, clubs are encouraged to attend the National AGM held in May.